4年生 英語 We Had Fun Classes in English!

7月15日(水) Things are more difficult now with the Coronavirus, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t still enjoy English class!

Today we first reviewed vocabulary we studied the year before in the 3rd grade.  This was done to focus on pronunciation.  We then had a dictation quiz. I thought some students might have some trouble with remembering the words but everyone did very well.

Today’s target of grammar is to use the interrogative sentence(疑問文) like “What does he/she have?” and to answer this kind of question.  We made pairs to practice this.  Again, the students did very well.  Finally, we studied the new words about buildings and occupations (station, dentist, etc.).  We played a simple game to see who had remembered the vocabulary, and the winners could stand at the front of the class at the end.  The class went very well!
