2年生 英語 Fun with the “Bomb Game”

11月13日(金) Today we wanted to focus on days of the week (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc.).  Many students already know the days of the week, but some still have trouble remembering, and anyways it’s always a good idea to review vocabulary from time to time.  The activity we used to review these words is called the “Bomb Game”, and is not only useful to review vocabulary, but also give an opportunity for students to say an English phrase, in that case, “What day is today?”.  The students make groups and take turns asking this question to other students.  The students being asked this question don’t know where the “bomb” is (one of the days of the week).  If a group chooses the days with the bomb, then ka-boom(ドッカ―ン)! That group loses a point but gets to choose where to put the next bomb.  At the end of the game, the group with the most points win! Students enjoy playing this game so much that they don’t realize they’re learning!
