4年生 英語 ‘English New Year’

1月22日(金) It’s the start of the new year, so we began the class by studying new vocabulary using the Word Book, focusing on words used for New Year’s Day.  The students then opened their textbook Let’s Go 2, for some phonics review to practice pronunciation.  We then followed that by reading sentences, and finally a listening quiz!  I try to cover all aspects of English study.

I wanted to finish the class with something fun as I usually do.  This helps keep the students interested and motivated throughout the class.  Today we played a game I call the “Fly Swatter(ハエたたき)” game where students use a fly swatter to hit cardboard “flies” with an English pronoun printed on it.  This is good practice for studying English pronouns which some students seem to have difficulty with.  I do a simpler version of this game with colors for earlier grades.
