4年生 英語 ”It’s time for ◇◇”

12月6日(月) Today in our textbooks the 4th graders practiced a question they already know very well: “What time is it?”.  We made pairs, then practiced using this question, and for the answer, students gave the time (◆ o’clock) and some activity.  For example, “It’s time for lunch”, “It’s time for English class”, etc.  Some answers were very creative and original.  Next week we will practice even longer sentences using actions such as: “get up”, “brush my teeth”, and “wash my face”.
We then tried a new game, “Shiritori” in English!  The students could understand quickly how to play as this is a traditional Japanese game, but played in English.  This activity helped students learn more vocabulary and improved their spelling.  There were six teams and each student had fun playing.
